Hydra: Island in the Sound
Coming in June 2025
Gabriel, astonished by the beauty of Your virginity
and the exceeding radiance of Your purity,
cried out to You in a loud voice: "What hymn of praise is fitting to offer You?
How shall I name You? I am in awe and stand amazed before You.
As commanded by God, I cry out to You:
Rejoice, You who are full of grace" 1
Hydra - a sudden foothold that emerges from the fathomless sea while your eye drowns in the deep blue trying to grasp the limits between the expanse of the water below and the sky above. Rendered in rock, the island stands motionless in the turbulent currents of time with its roots planted firmly in the past. Noble in its austere beauty, veiled in misty dreams, Hydra was drifting in solitude between reality and myth until a sound emerged from the cold abyss. A rough sound was polished until it became a smoother sound, which was polished until it became music. Then the music was polished until it became the memory… 2 The memory of a bird on a wire, a little boat sailing off to the sea from the harbor, the memory of the first kiss’ thrilling excitement and the sorrow of love lost, the memory of the tender embraces of mothers and heroic spirits of men, the memory of longing for Paradise and the surprise of finding it in the surrounding beauty - all these memories of hope, joy, fear, pride, nostalgia are ringing with the sound of voices that echo from the island’s slopes and fade away into the distance. The island exists in the sound of its memories mixed with the music of the wind and the sea.
- From the Hymn to Theotokos, the favorite hymn of Efthimia, the last nun of the Convent of Saint Eupraxia on the island of Hydra.
- From the poem The Everyday Enchantment of Music by Mark Stand.

Site-Specific Art Exhibition
Old Carpet Factory, Hydra
June 22 - 28, 2025
Curators - Ekaterina Juskowski, Tatiana Gecmen Waldeck
Produced by Mnemosyne Projects